Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The New Posh Girl!

The Posh Girl has evolved since 2002...I first had her designed by the artist Shano...who created a beautiful, upside down Posh Girl, relaxing on her pillow, chatting on her blinged out cell phone...I would always have people asking me, "is she upside down?"...LOL. So even though I absolutely loved the artwork that was designed, I knew that the logo would need to be redesigned. In 2005, Posh was transformed into the logo most known, with the pink diamonds added, which is now synonomous with the Posh.Life brand. Back then, the Swarovski Crystal Havianas were just being created, and I wanted my Posh.Girl to represent the times she lived in. She rocked hot Crystallized havaianas, a fab white tee, and daisy dukes, because she was casual chic...This year, I decided that our beloved Posh.Girl needed a serious makeover! With growth and refinement throughout the years, I have evolved as a designer. I created the trend of 3d objects on cell phones, because flat designs just didn't do it for me! I knew that there was nothing off limits when designing a phone...therefore my Posh.Girl had to evolve and become better as well...And isn't she now more fabulous than ever! I hope you love her as much as I do! Thank You for staying with us for all these years...and we will continue to bring the bling! Posh.Life 2010! Got bling??